Thursday, March 26, 2009


Today so far has been a pretty normal day. Nothing really exciting happend today. After school my mom took me to Taco Bell. And then I had to finish a Response to literature paper. Then about an hour ago I thought I might want to practice some Heelflips. After about 20 minuets I landed it! I focused and pictured myslef landing it and BAMI landed it! again again and again. I still cant land them as well as anything else. But twice out of every 5 times I can land them.
And I thought maybe I can get some on tape. So I got my mom camera and started taping.
If you dont know what a Heelflip is, It is a kickflip but you kick it with your heel instead of with your toe. I have no Idea why but I have been landing new tricks left and right! I cant wait to learn a new one and share it with you!


  1. I like that we get to see all your new moves.
    You just might inspire your cousins to dig out their boards!

  2. Where is the video? Glad I was there to witness the awesomeness in person. Oh, and good job finishing that paper!

  3. I am glad you blog! Even if it is about skateboard stuff I don't understand. Your videos help. I love you.
