Monday, March 23, 2009


Alot had happend in the last 2 days! First of all I can land Varial Kickflips! If you don't know what varial Kickflips are I will post a video showing you. I feel that I am getting better and skating every day. SECONDLY! I am very happy to say that I have found an artist that I am absolutely in love with. His name is Alex Pardee and he is my inspiration to start to draw and such. I will hopefully post some of my drawings soon. Sorry the blog is so short but I needed to make it quick because Im studying for a Language Arts Test.



  1. Wow! I'm impressed...and I learned something new all in one! I never even heard of a Varial Kickflip until now. (Your cousins don't really skate board much.)

    I look forward to seeing your drawings! (Your cousins do, however, both like to draw!)

    Aunt Karen

  2. I'm going to check out this Pardee character too. Very interesting. Remember that cool artist we saw when we went to the art museum in Sacramento with the Petersons? I think it was Frank Escher?

    Thanks for studying for your test Ü

  3. That is a very cool move! Are you doing that in your room? Aaaaagh, don't break your head open, or your leg, or your arm....
